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Check Valves

The check valve does not rely on external power but relies on the flow pressure of the medium itself to    achieve automatic opening and closing. It is a typical automatic control valve. Its core function is to allow the medium to flow in one direction and automatically close when the flow direction of the medium

changes to prevent backflow and protect pumps and other equipment from damage. In the circulating   water system and condensate water system of the power station, the check valve is used to prevent the backflow of cooling water or steam, protect the safety of pumps and equipment, and ensure the stable  operation of the system.


In the process flow of oil pipelines and refineries, the check valve is used to prevent the backflow of

media such as oil products and natural gas, protect the pump and pipeline system. Especially in the high-  pressure environment of multiple pumps in parallel, special attention should be paid to the control of the water hammer effect. In the chemical production process, the check valve is used to control the one-way  flow of various chemical liquids and gases to ensure the continuity and safety of the reaction process,

while preventing harmful or dangerous media from backflowing to pollute or damage the production environment.

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